Join Jillian and Rosalie (together in person at last!) on a real sight-seeing tour of mediation practices that exist in the world (and sometimes just in Jillian’s brain). Spoiler: it's not just sitting and trying to make your brain shut up. Journey with them as they discuss techniques on how to get high for free, what they think meditation is really doing, why you shouldn’t meditate with cult leaders, and how some meditations can make your life richer. Literally. Plus, Rosalie tells you about how she may have stumbled upon the Gates of Hell, and will clue you in on how many stars she rates it.
And while it was a DELIGHT to record in person for the First Time Ever, a bit of a head's up that the sound is a bit wonky in parts. Bear with them. Rosalie did her very best to make it not-too-bad, but it's not up to their normal standard. And that’s the shit that her soul has to say about that.
Whirling Dervishes and the Mevlevi Order (Jillian butchered that a bit): A Sufi meditation started by the mystic and poet Rumi, which is a spinning dance that helps connect the practitioner to the divine
Jumpstart Your Metabolism: How to Lose Weight by Changing the Way You Breathe, by Pam Grout: the book Jillian discovered that’s all about breathing to lose weight book
Nichiren Buddhism: this is the Buddhist religion that Jillian’s friends are into, that has a chant focus (nam myoho renge kyo - literally translates to “Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra”, but generally is about calling forth your own Buddha nature and is a declaration of power within every person)
Headspace app: An app lots of people like to do meditation. It’s fun and the guy speaks in a delightful accent
Calm app: Another app lots of people like to do meditation. It has pretty pictures
Insights Timer app: the one Rosalie & Jillian love, and it is a lot more free than the other apps
Binaural meditation - not diurnal like Rosalie said. Recordings using different frequencies tuned to each ear to make lots of amazing stuff happen, like sleeping better
Eckhart Tolle: the guy Jillian is always talking about, and who doesn’t think meditation is that necessary - if you are able to live in the present moment
Pema Chodron: A badass Buddhist that STILL struggles with meditation
Cat Tarot: Deck Jillian used for tarot time, that really took a bit out of her
Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Deck: Deck Rosalie used for tarot time, and seemed to like her more
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