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It’s time to launch some shit!

Writer's picture: RosalieRosalie

Yes! It is time for us to launch some good shit out at you. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes, and are so excited to announce that we have an official launch date for our Shit My Soul Says podcast!

<insert drum roll here>

December 21, 2020!

Yep, that’s right - we’re launching on the winter solstice AKA Yule AKA the darkest day of the year AKA the beginning of the return of the sun AKA the 8 year anniversary of the world not ending (remember that whole Mayan calendar thing in 2012?).

Well the world did not end (though it kind of feels like it did after 2020). We are choosing to focus more on the part about light returning. We’re not saying that we’re going to be responsible for bringing the light back to the world - that’s too much for even us to claim. But we are saying that we’re hoping to bring a little more light into your life.

And because you’ve managed to stay on the Nice List (we assume - how naughty could you have been in this lock down of a year??), we’re working hard to bring you THREE episodes to listen to over the holiday season, whether you’re trapped with family you’d like to escape, or are stuck by yourself wishing that you could bitch about your uncle’s terrible table manners (I mean who uses the tablecloth as a napkin???).

After that, we’ll be bringing you a brand new episode every other Tuesday for the foreseeable future, or until our money runs out.

Speaking of which! We have a Patreon account at! What the hell is a Patreon account you say? Patreon is a site where fans (patrons!) can support creators by a small monthly contribution, to support their creative work. This will help us pay for hosting, websites, and all the other odds and ends that go into making a podcast, so that we can keep making this show happen. And in exchange we provide tasty treats to our patrons, whether it be behind the scenes footage, special hangout sessions, exclusive episodes, or whatever else our brains cook up.

Sure, becoming a patron of a podcast that hasn’t launched yet may seem a little wild, but we’re going to reward you for your daring. Everyone who becomes a patron before the end of 2020 will get to join our New Year's workshop coming in January (date TBD!). Your support is soooo appreciated, and will help us cover all these start up costs that keep popping up.

So what are you waiting for? Become a patron, tell your friends about this crazy ass podcast you heard about, and most importantly tune in on December 21 wherever you listen to your podcasts. We’ll also be posting on our website, if you haven’t found your podcast home yet.

We’re looking forward to talking shit with you soon!


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