Um, yeah, so it’s been a year. I mean, it has been a YEAR.
It’s hard to believe that we started working on this podcast almost one year ago. You may have heard that a little something happened early in 2020. Just as we started to gain momentum, fucking COVID hit, and hit hard. And hit both of us in the face.
Back in March Jillian was on her way to the office bathroom, as you know one does. The door swung open and a coworker emerged and promptly coughed in Jillian’s face. Accidentally of course. And they both laughed about it. But within a week Jillian began to experience the tell tale signs of that spikey ball of love we know so well. And before she knew to throw herself into self-isolation, we both got together and I got sick as well. So, we think it is likely that both of us caught it very early in the pandemic. And let me tell you, if you have been lucky enough not to get sick from COVID, it is an illness that can knock you on your ass - even if you aren’t sick enough to go to the hospital. So, don’t do it.
What with both of us feeling profoundly shitty, quarantining, and experiencing the existential dread that held the world in its grip as we waited pointlessly for things to return to normal, we lost steam on this project as we huddled in our little bubbles.
But while the Universe was busy stirring shit up throughout 2020, it certainly wasn’t done with us. We both started getting those pokes and nudges and inspirations. After all, the world needs humor now, more than ever. But more than that, we all need to feel like we have our people, even when those people are literally untouchable. We need to form whatever communities we can. We need to snuggle up with our deities and guides because there aren’t a lot of other cuddling options outside of our quarantine pods.
We are excited to say that we have recorded a few episodes that we are getting ready for release. We want you to get to know us a bit in our first episode, who we are and why we are woo, before we dig into some of our favorite topics (like our past lives as prostitutes! Or how Tarot tried to warn us about the shitshow of 2020!). We’re also brewing on topics like chakras and developing psychic abilities and how to protect your energy from all those creeps out there.
It feels SO great to move forward with this project, especially since we keep getting signs from our guides that this is the right path for us to take at this time.
We don’t have a solid launch date yet, but keep your eyes peeled! We are hoping things should be all cooked up by December or January. Where we can put this hot mess of a year behind us, and welcome you into our conversations on an array of spiritual topics, complete with a dash of irreverence and cuss words to boot.