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SMSS Virtual Workshop! Supercharging Your Resolutions

Writer's picture: RosalieRosalie

We’re halfway through January, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve already given up on your 2021 resolutions - if you made any resolutions at all. And who could blame you? We’re living through a pandemic of apocalyptic proportions, an attempted coup, and climate disasters. 2021 has already shown itself to be 2020’s asshole sibling, and what does time even mean, anyway?

But here’s the thing. Resolutions can actually be really positive. Having a goal to strive towards right now could be the thing that keeps you from running naked into the street and screaming obscenities into the void. (I can’t be the only one who has been thisclose to doing that, can I?)

So how the hell do you stay on track and keep working toward your goals? Join Jillian and me for our virtual workshop, Supercharging Your Resolutions on January 31st, and we’ll give you some really great tools to focus your intent, energize your ideas, and make 2021 the year of Y-O-U.

You’ll get to hang out with us for two hours on January 31st from 1pm - 3pm PST! We’ll talk about metaphysical tools you can use to keep going strong with your new year's intention. And we’ll help you create a magical focus, spell, or ritual you can do to re-infuse and re-enthuse yourself with energy whenever you start to wonder why you wanted to learn Klingon or knit a jumper entirely out of dog hair anyway.

You’ll also get a super fancy (i.e., digital PDF to print at home) workbook written by Jillian and me that will keep you going through the wheel of the year, starting on imbolc/candlemas/groundhog’s day and ending on the winter solstice/yule/saturnalia. Paired with woo tips and tricks you’ll learn in the workshop, the workbook will show you how to use the energy of the seasons to stay focused on your goal all year long.

The workshop includes a ritual we’ll do together to supercharge your resolutions and get you started on the right foot.

All you need to participate is yourself, your workbook, and a comfy, quiet space.. Cost: $50 for everything listed above.

If you can’t make it to the workshop, that’s ok. You can buy the workbook for $20.


Anyone signing up for the ritual or buying the book can add on a special resolution-focused tarot reading by me or Jillian for an additional $20.

50% off everything for our patrons (become a patron and get access to so much more!)

Just email us at and let us know what you’d like to sign up for (in person workshop, workbook, add-on tarot reading from Rosalie or Jillian) and we will send you a paypal request to get you going!


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