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We’re up to something - and could use your help

Writer's picture: JillianJillian

We are itching to get our podcast out to as many people as possible, and are looking for a little help to make that magic happen. All help is welcome! Reviews, getting the word out, becoming a subscriber, and so much more. Currently, we are working on getting a new logo! We want to hire a designer to help us out, and are raising funds ($350 is our goal) to do just that through a ko-fi campaign - we have a deadline of April 6th. If you could throw a few coins our way it would go a long way to get us there.

We started pulling our podcast world together in the fall of 2020 doing all the things that need to be done to start a podcast. And boy, is there A LOT. There is more than just talking into a mic - well, at least if you are like Rosalie and Jillian who tend to go All In on things. So, as we built out our name and our theme and our website and our episode topics and what we wanted to give to the world, we needed a logo/cover art to get us started. After all, we didn’t think you’d be excited about a podcast that was just an empty white square. So we wanted a really cool logo! But there are so many expenses to starting up a podcast (hosting! website! equipment! legal fees!), that we ended up just having to shoestring it and create it ourselves.

Our first logo Jillian pulled together using an on-line logo generator. By no means is she a designer, but it was okay. It got us going in a direction. Rosalie didn’t want to burn it, so that was good enough. Then Rachel, our creative producer, stepped in and tinkered with it, making it a bit more polished. We all knew that we were doing what we could to get it there, and that someday we would take it up a notch.

Well friends, that day is here. We are realizing that to get our podcast out into the world we need to have a logo and cover art that communicates what you are going to get when you take a listen to our show. Humans tend to eat with their eyes, after all. At least at first, before they start using their mouths (don’t really eat with your eyes - it could give you pink eye, and no one wants pink eye).

We have started a logo fundraising campaign to pass the hat to generate a bit of funds to pay a designer, and are hoping that you can get us over the finish line. We need about $350 for the new logo, with a deadline of April 6th. As of Monday, March 22nd, we are at 22% of our goal - the dream is in sight! Have 5, 10, or even 50 dollars/euros/magic beans to spare? Visit our Ko-fi page and help us nudge that little bar to 100%, and you will get the same perks our ko-fi supporters receive - a full month to bonus content, including the first 2 episodes we ever recorded, clips we cut from episodes because we went way over an hour of recording time, blooper reels, and anything else we come up with that we think you might get a good laugh from.

Thank you so much for listening, and for your help and support on getting this podcast out into the world, it truly means the world to us!


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